Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I was cleaning my room one time when I found a box under my bed. It was a box filled with so many old photos of me back in college. Most of them, are photos I had with my other READS scholars during our recreational activities. And the photos above are just some of them but the most memorable was when we went to the Stockli Beach Resort.

It was a really nice place. The place was a little quiet though (probably because the place was secluded so only a few number of people knew where the place was). The attendants were also accomodating and very responsive to our requests. The only thing most of us were complaining about the place was its location. It was secluded and the road going there was bumpy since it has not been paved (at least not yet.) But I still enjoyed it nevertheless.

Monday, August 9, 2010

XLIBRIS is synonymous to the word STRESS

Where else can we find a company that gives fat paychecks to their employees without requiring them to wear casual getups? Where else but Xlibris!

Xlibris is a publishing services provider so the company doesn’t just print books, it also offers copyediting and marketing services to their customers (who are mostly authors).
This is the reason why I applied here. I wanted to get myself more acquainted with the publication process since I also dreamt of publishing my own book someday. So, I went there on a Friday afternoon after having second thoughts of signing the job offer from Convergys. I went to the TGU tower and immediately proceeded to the sixth floor. I then filled out a form, took an essay exam and underwent a series of interviews later on and then I got hired.

I stayed with the company for two weeks and then I quit. Why? It was because I felt sick and tired one day and staying there for another week would be suicidal. Though I have already established a good relationship with my wavemates, I could NOT withstand the stressful training. I could NOT imagine myself bringing a thick file of handouts for weeks. I could NOT stand the company’s traditional way of escalating or transferring the calls. I could NOT take the short-tempered trainer.

Although, I got a really good grade for the first week , the succeeding week was a roller coaster ride! And I thought that I could not really keep the momentum so I submitted my resignation letter. I told them I was sick and that I didn’t want to cause any inconvenience to the company. Yeah, I know I lied; good thing, I was able to convince them. I realized how good I am. I really am a good writer and a good actor as well!! Hahahaha!

Well, I do not want to say anything bad against the company. But my experience made me realize that I should never ever be aggressive again when it comes to decision making. I realized that I should never ever rush again when making critical choices. I am just a little upset though with what happened to my paycheck. My trainer told me that I should still be able to get my paycheck a week after my last day but when I recently followed up on my check, she was suddenly singing a different tune and told me it would be available a month later.

To those people out there who want to earn a monthly compensation of Php 22,000, you should go to Xlibris. But, I tell you, it will be one hell of a ride!

Quick Facts:

Basic Monthly Compensation: Php 22, 000.00 (taxable and inclusive of night differential and Saturdays)

Work Schedule : 48 hours per week (that is, Monday to Saturday)

Location : 6th Floor TGU Tower, Cebu Asiatown IT Park, Salinas Drive Corner JM Del Mar St. Apas, Lahug, Cebu City


Living in Cebu for 23 years has gotten me used to the regular 24°- 26° celsius temperature. So I was really surprised when I went to Baguio for the first time. The temperature that day was probably playing between 19° or 20° celsius so one can just imagine how cold it was that day.

It was a beautiful Sunday. I and the rest of my friends arrived there at around 11:00 am via Victory Liner Bus. We were supposed to go to SM Baguio right away to leave all our baggages but since it was almost noontime and most of us were already starving, we all agreed to go straight to one of the affordable inns along Session Road.

After leaving all our belongings, we decided to go to the Strawberry Farm. That was where we bought a pack of strawberries and cups of strawberry-flavored taho. We eventually went to the Good Shepherd Convent. We stayed there for a couple of minutes, taking pictures of the place and strolling around the park. Afterwards, we walked down the road and headed to Mines View. Somebody told us that the foods were pretty affordable so we decided to take our lunch there. We stayed at this open-air resturant so we were enjyong the view of the city from the top while eating sumptuous pork adobo and sinigang na baboy.

From there, we went to the stalls and stores just across the road to purchase some pasalubongs for our friends and relatives back in Cebu. We bought some shirts and caps for our pamangkins. While some of us bought some belts and wallets for our friends and other relatives. I was really surprised when I realized afterwards that we spent almost two hours there trying to figure out which store sold the cheapest stuffs and which should be bought for whom.

Unfortunately, it rained hard that afternoon so we decided to go back in the inn. We waited until the rain stopped so we could go to our next stop. It was almost 5:00 or 6:00 when the heavy rain turned to drizzle and since we thought that we could not stay there for the rest of the afternoon, we went to SM Baguio and had our supper.

It was Monday when we decided to visit the rest of Baguio city. We went to Philippine Military Academy that morning. After taking some pictures, we went to the Mansion and then to the Wright park and then to Camp John Hay then to the Teachers’ Camp and then lastly to the Botanical Garden. Afterwhich, we went back to the inn, packed up and went home brining all the wonderful memories of the city.

Well, If there is one thing that I didn’t like about the city, it would be its location. It took us three hours to get there from Subic and another four hours back to Subic. Sitting, in the bus for that long can be really draining; but when I finally reached Baguio, well, quite honestly, it was all worth it.


I don’t consider myself an adrenaline junkie but I really love doing stuffs that make my adrenaline rush. I love engaging myself in stuffs like zipline, wall climbing, mountain biking, rapelling, tree drop, free fall and all those sorts. So, one day, when I and my coworkers decided to go to Subic, there was only one thing in my head –Aussie style tree drop.

It took a little over an hour when we reached the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport via Cebu Pacific. From the airport, we went to the Dau Terminal and there we took a jeepney going to the Venezia Hotel.

It was around 7:00 or 8:00 pm when we reached the hotel. And boy, we were surprised (almost shocked) when we got there. The hotel looked eerie, in fact, almost haunted from the façade. It was similar to those haunted houses we see in horror movies but we had no other choice. We barely had the time to look for another hotel. So we went in and checked in. Surprisingly, we were the only visitors that time so it made us scared all the more. Good thing, the attendant was thirtysomething. Her teeth were complete and she didn’t look as if just had a raw flesh for dinner. After scrutinizing the place for a couple of minutes, we went to the room. Took a half bath. And slept like a log.

We made it to the next day. We were alive. No body part was mutilated. Though, everyone woke up as if they had been possessed by some unknown entities, we thought we just needed a shower.

From the hotel, we took a jeepney and went straight to that restaurant where there was huge red bee near the front door (no one seemed to admit that we had a breakfast in Jollibee). Anyway, after taking our beakfast, we took another ride going to the Sta. Rita gate and then took another ride going to Ocean Adventure.

It was a really nice place. We went to see the sea lion first. The creature was really cute and was really smart. It performed different tricks which made us and the rest of the audience really happy. Then we went to the Eco Theather where we got the chance to see the snakes, monkeys, bats, purcupines and many more. Afterwards, we went to the Seaside Stadium and there we were wowing the whole time. We were amazed with how those dolphins executed their tricks almost flawlessly and effortlessly. I wanted to have a photo taken with me kissing a dolphin but it was too expensive and there were too many people on queue.

From Ocean Adventure, we went to Zoobic Safari. There, we witnessed more animals. We really enjoyed the place especially that part when we got the chance to see a huge tiger close enough while riding a red tiger-proof vehicle.

After seeing the animals, we decided to go for the tree top adventures. That was when my day literally started. I wanted to go for the free fall but it was not available that time so I went for the interactive free fall with my wavemates Glady and Mermer. It was just a very awesome experience. It is soooo awesome that whenever I recall it, the sensation seems to be in me again. I guess this is also the reason why I want to go back in Subic. And I swear to myself that I will definitely try all the tree top adventures once I get back there. Hopefully later this year.